To ensure you achieving your goals, you must do something every single day. This is where your daily commitment will come into play. Do something everyday and improve yourself for the better.

Gratitude What are you grateful for?

  1. I am grateful for making this Notion Template which will help a lot of people achieve their goals.
  2. I am grateful for cooking for my family yesterday. They really enjoyed the food I made which I appreciate.
  3. I am grateful my grandmother visited us yesterday. I had not seen her in some time so it was nice speaking to her again.
  4. I am grateful for my performance when playing football yesterday, I really had some great moves playing with and against my little brother.
  5. I am grateful for the fact that God has blessed me with eyesight, hearing and all limbs. Most people will just take it for granted, they don’t know what they have until they lose it.

Expressing gratitude every single day will set the tone of the day. If you start off complaining about all sorts of things, you will have a worse day than if you did all the same things but expressed gratitude in the morning. What you want to do is write down full sentences of what you are grateful about that day. So instead of writing down ‘I am grateful for my dog’, write down ‘I am grateful for how playful my dog is, every time I see him he lights up my day.’.

Daily Win What will make you feel fulfilled?




These daily wins will be your main point of focus. You have probably always wanted a thing to work on, this is it. Make these wins hard to achieve but still achievable. You want to be proud of achieving them. You can skip certain daily tasks if your day went a bit different than expected, never skip the daily wins.